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The energy of Acinque for the Azzurri

Three year energy partnership will also see Acinque included on the official training kit and around the training pitches.

Como 1907 is pleased to announce that Acinque will be the Official Energy Partner of Como 1907 football club appearing on the club’s training kit as well as around the training pitches in a three-year deal. The deal will see Acinque become the club’s electricity and gas partner helping the club achieve its sustainability and efficiency goals.

“We will put at the disposal of the club all our know-how in the field of energy resources, heat management, photovoltaics, electric mobility, innovation” explained Stefano Cetti, CEO of Acinque.. “This is the company’s special vocation: to act as a partner both for light and gas supplies and to identify the most effective and functional solutions that, under the banner of sustainability, promote efficiency and consumption valorisation, minimising the impact on the environment.”

Ryan Shelton, head of commercial for Como 1907, commented: “As we grow It’s important for us to work with partners that help us with our ambition to become best in class on and off the pitch. We look forward to working with Acinque to ensure the training ground is energy efficient and sustainable as we expand the facilities.”

“It is important for us to collaborate with a club so deeply linked to the local community that has achieved the great sporting result of returning to Serie A after a long time,” added Cetti. “The partnership strategically unites two excellences of the territory that, although in different fields, have many traits in common: they are realities animated by the same initiative and ambition, both determined to grow further and set themselves further goals.”

As well as on the Sinigaglia sidelines, Acinque’s brand will stand out on training shirts and facilities at the Mozzate sports center. This is not a random choice: it is meant to be an explicit reminder that certain goals can only be achieved through hard work, dedication, and daily application.

‘“The journey that has returned Como to the highest national footballing limelight has been enthralling – added Cetti -. The promotion was greeted by a huge public participation, confirming the local community’s sense of identity. And we are proud that a team with a great sporting tradition has chosen to rely on our company for all energy-related needs, identifying Acinque as the right partner to accompany the club’s revival at the highest levels.”

“The strategic partnership with the Azzurri – concluded Cetti – contains an energy that transcends the significant benefits that will result from the collaboration on the commercial level and from the visibility ensured to our proposal by the competitive showcase of a prestigious club, one of the forges of Italian football. In the agreement with the Azzurri, there is also belonging, emotion and a shared impulse for growth.”

“It is important to be a principal partner of football – underline Andrea Tugnoli and Martin Isolabella of Acinque Energia, respectively managing director and head of marketing, communication and commercial development – because it combines our brand with a successful reality that has big projects for Como and Como’s sport, prospecting important returns in terms of induced activities. Sport is a formidable instrument of involvement and for a company like ours, which makes rootedness and the centrality of the person the key factors of its policies, it represents another opportunity to generate shared value in the territory of which it is an expression.”